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Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the quarksbar.social moderators.

  1. Rule of Acquisition #1: Don’t Be a Disruptor. If you act like a disruptor, you’ll find yourself out the airlock faster than a bad business partner. Remember, civility costs nothing—but it can be very profitable.
  2. Profits First, Arguments Second. Disagreements are fine, but only if they lead to a lucrative outcome. If it’s not making latinum, take your disagreements somewhere else.
  3. No Unauthorized Promotions. This isn’t a Ferengi charity auction. If you’re looking to sell something, don’t do it here. The proprietor has the exclusive right to first sale here.
  4. Mind Your Own Business—But Respect Everyone Else’s. Don’t poke your lobes where they don’t belong, unless there’s something valuable to be gained. Just remember: if you can’t say anything nice… the fines are doubled.
  5. Leave the Drama in the Holosuite. If you want to start a soap opera, I have a holosuite for that—available at very reasonable rates.